Last week I sent you a beautiful, inspiring, 10-minute exercise to discover your “deep why,” what you are here on earth for, what you’re all about.
This process is a way to tap your deep heart-knowing of what lights you up, inspires and moves you, what matters deeply to your heart and soul.
One student asked me: Why bother asking these questions? Why bother doing these exercises?
Because this is your guidestar to creating a deeply fulfilling, soulful life. A life that matters to you and makes a difference to others. A life of joy.
Practices like this one tune you into listening to your deep heart wisdom, your heartsong, so you can steer your life by that song. To me, nothing could be more important.
If you missed that post, you can read it here and try the exercise yourself. It’s fun and easy. It takes only 10 minutes. And it just may astound you!
Last week I promised to share with you what I got when I did the practice myself. Here it is, off the cuff, unedited: My deep why, what I’m here for.
I, Maxima, Am Here To. . .
I am here to write, to be creative, to celebrate and honor life, to care, to live from heart, to give and share.
I am here to have joy and spread joy, to love, to be playful and silly, to heal, to grow, to play, to be in wonder, to touch and be touched, to dwell in grace.
I am here to be an artist, to make beauty and magic, to dance, create, sing and make music, to imagine.
I am here to praise God, Goddess, Divine, One, and embody that, dance with that.
I am here to tend to the beauty of the world, to care for growing things, to walk the path of Heart, to walk in the footsteps of the Divine, to honor the Sacred in others and in all things and call it forth, to conduct ritual, ceremony, to be a leader, a healer, a magician, a teacher, a lover, a mystic, a muse.
I am here to give thanks for the creation and work to mend the tears and injustices. I am here to gather the divine sparks.
I am here with my love, my vulnerability, my heart, my spirit and spark and light and fire. I am here to not be ashamed, to love and be loved, to stand in the light and the darkness, to love it all.
I am here to listen to the wind and the ocean, the rocks, trees, birds, streams, animals, plants, to sing their songs.
I am here to elevate, to inspire, to make music, magic, art, song, to be one with the One, to come home, to belong, to help others belong. To believe, dream and reach for the stars.
It’s empowering to know your Deep Why, to stand in it, to proclaim it and live it.
Share some of your Deep Why in the comments below. And/or share what comes up for you as you read this. Let’s inspire one another!