I am over the moon!
My full-length book of poems, Fierce Aria, has been accepted for publication by Finishing Line Press. Whoo!
The book will come out next Spring, but pre-sales will start soon.
I started work on assembling this manuscript back at the start of 2010. It’s been a long and winding road. Loads of twists and turns, loads of challenges and growth, blood, sweat and tears.
I am finally realizing my dream of being a published author. I’ve been published in literary journals and on blogs for years, but to have a book of my own is huge for me, a major milestone in one of my life dreams.
I have learned so much in the process about poetry, revision, working with editors, presses and publication and contests and more. Also about persistence, fostering creative community, and realizing our dreams.
I’m eager to share what I’ve learned with you.
If you want an inside view of my creative journey from first draft through revision to publication, if you want to hear the juicy details of the ups and downs, and get to read some of my poems, I urge you to join me on Patreon now.
Patreon is where I share my work and process in an intimate way with my besties, and I would love to share it with you.
I’d love to be able to thank you publicly for being part of my creative community.
Your support and companionship here on Brilliant Playground mean a lot to me.
If you join me on Patreon now at any level, you get your name in the acknowledgments of my book and loads of other goodies along the way!
For as little as $3, you get your name in lights (well, ink), my undying gratitude, and insider access to my work and creative process. And you get to be a bonafide patron of the arts. How cool is that!
I cannot do what I do without you. I’d really love for you to join me there, get your name in my book and other great rewards and show your support. Will you?
You’ll be helping me reach another important goal, getting my first 100 patrons on Patreon, which helps me keep creating and teaching.
Please take a moment to check it out:
To your creative blossoming,